The Chinese Restaurant and Minot Charlie

Don’t go back to the Chinese restaurant.  You’ve been there three times and every time it’s a close call.  Three times you’ve sat there and watched people run up with guns, shooting and killing people.  And yet you’ve gone back.  You’ve crouched down in a booth, shitting yourself while death surrounds you.  Misses you.  You’ve... Continue Reading →

Getting Wasted in 1912 (Pantera and Ladislav Klíma)

Imagine having a terrible hangover in 8 AD. How would you make sense of the pain, sickness and waves of anxiety? Probably feeling worse than Ovid writing his Black Sea Letters: the exile from the world of your people, your life; feeling as though you're on the brink of death and clinging to the hope... Continue Reading →

kingcobrajfs: malapropisms and mispronunciations (to be continued…)

Things that m'lord has said incorrectly. Slowly combing through clips to add any more that I hear for myself. Catch you cool cobras later. "Cardinal Cherries" for Cordial Cherries "Billie Elighzh" for Billie Eilish "Pramazhan" for Parmesan "Bill Barr" for Bill Burr "Churn O'Boil" for Chernobyl "monitorization" for monetization "phonicsly" for phonetically "nestle" (as in... Continue Reading →

On Drinking and Quitting

[B]esoin d’écrire et besoin de ne plus [boire] s’épaulent…. -Adaptation of a line by Roland Dubillard Written on day one of quitting drinking.  Forgive the quality if poor. One of the problems with drinking too much is that space (places in your life) becomes stained with the filth of drunkenness.  You connect your world around... Continue Reading →

Waiting For My Amazon Shipment

I couldn’t have chosen Prime.  Not even if I tried.  Prime does nothing for transatlantic shipments…. I ordered my book when I was halfway through the second-to-last book I read: that book referenced the one I ordered.  Well, I finished that book…then another…and now I’m too stressed to select another to read: once I begin... Continue Reading →

Numbers and God in David Fincher’s ‘Seven’

By Joe “The trick is to find one item, one detail, and focus on it.”                                 -Detective Somerset to Detective Mills Originally, I planned on writing about the various symbols seen throughout David Fincher’s 1997 movie Seven, but when I heard the line quoted above, I decided to focus only on the role that numbers... Continue Reading →

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